The same theme is used in each age group. The materials used are age appropriate.
“You have become our extended family.”
“In August 2005, my husband and I were looking for pre-school for our soon to be
3 year old son. We were led to St. Henry by a co-worker. After visiting several different
schools, we ultimately chose St. Henry's. We have been attending St. Henry's in some
capacity ever since."
“Clean, spacious, colorful classrooms with tons of age appropriate toys and structures.”
"In July 2007 our daughter started attending St. Henry's. The toddler program was
wonderful. She was 15 months old when she started at St. Henry's. We have really
watched her blossom during her time with St. Henry. She started as a quiet, shy child
and has developed into a confident 4 year old child. She will leave St. Henry's in the
fall to attend Kindergarten."
“His behavior and fine motor skills have improved dramatically.”
"St. Henry's summer program is another great program that our son enjoys attending
each summer. They get to do many activities and take many field trips. He also gets
to catch up with all of his former pre-school teachers."